Join the Team as a Teacher

We’re extremely happy that you’re considering joining our team. We appreciate and invite all Telugu loving folks to come join us in creating a best environment to teach and impart the great Telugu language and culture to the next generation. This, we believe, adds a little more betterment to the world, and adds to the ecosystem of wonderful things that we could offer to the society.

Please fill out this form and submit so that a team member would come in touch with you and discuss further. Teachers are the backbone for our school, and all our teachers come from parents like you that showed interest and passion in pursuing the cause. Our organization is free so that we have only service at the center of our effort, and we enjoy teaching and learning the cultural and language elements of Telugu.

There are 6 levels in Bhaarathi Vidyalayam. New teachers would choose either L0 (the zeroth level, తెలుగుబాల) or L1 (the first level, వసంతం). Most of new students enter L1 and are 6 years or older. Once they complete L1, they move on to L2 (వికాసం), L3 (విహారం), L4 (వినోదం), and then L5 (విరాజం). Our new teachers will choose either L0 or L1. We expect at this point a need for about 25-30 L1 teachers, and about 4-5 L0 teachers for the upcoming academic year.

[We also have a CBE (Credit by Exam) course that runs for 1 year – and students who are already experts in Telugu will go through a refresher training to prepare them for an examination that they would take in their own schools. We only have one class in this category in the last three years.]